Written by Andreea Cutieru
The 2021 edition of Dutch Design Week (DDW) that took place in October in Eindhoven brought forward a range of explorations and innovative ideas that have the potential of shaping a positive future in the direction of less waste and sustainable consumption. As part of the program, the Future Cities talk discussed the challenges faced by urban environments and addressed the potential of carefully considered inward growth and densification in tackling housing shortages and achieving sustainable development.

Moderated by Archdaily’s Managing Editor Christele Harrouk, the event saw Don Murphy, Founder of VMX Architects, Bas Horsting, Design director at Sweco, and Bas van Dam, Owner, and CEO of Being Development explore how densification can support sustainable urbanization. The presentations touched on the housing shortage in relation to changes in lifestyle and household dynamics, the potential of infill development, and how densification can be successfully incorporated into urban strategies. The conversation approached issues such as the adaptability of urban landscapes, citizen participation in urban design, and the dynamic between policymakers, investors, and architects.

Through its installations, exhibitions, lectures, and debates, the 2021 Dutch Design Week aimed to highlight paths of positive development and help change the behavior of consumers and manufacturers with regard to resources and the environment. Tackling notions such as adapted realities, connected living, interactive experiences, and designing society, the event illustrated various visions for the future of urban landscapes.
Via archdaily