The prefabricated panel buildings-units/shelters can serve all types of temporary site camp requirements including accommodation facilities, offices, kitchen and dining buildings, recreation facilities, laundry, labour quarters, dormitories and relief housing facilities. All units are produced as high quality and fast erected modular units through advanced solutions and technologies with total quality concept based on unlimited customer satisfaction with full support services at every level. All prefabricated panel buildings have minimum life expectancy of 10 years. As an advantage of their particular features, buildings, which may be disassembled, carried and erected elsewhere several times, are the best to face emergency conditions or situations requiring temporary solutions. All prefabricated panel buildings can be designed as single, double or triple storeys.

Materials used are suitable for use in extreme weather conditions, including high humidity; seasonal and diurnal temperature variations and large volumes of wind drive sand. The exterior walls of the units are prefabricated self-bearing composite panels from continuous CNC line with mineral wool core and coil coated galvanized steel exterior skin. The composite panels have been engineered to eliminate cold bridging. Factory produced composite panel systems ensure excellent quality for high standards of structural, thermal and acoustic integrity and environmental comfort.

Asbestos or any hazardous materials are not used
Contains materials that can be reused.
Military camps
Site camps
Rig camps
Accomodation units
Office complex
Basic medical centers
First aid units
Sport centers
Kitchen and dining halls
Social complex
Laundry units
Toilets and cleaning units
Cold rooms
Recreation rooms
Disaster relief building
Living areas
Sports complexes
Fully-welded units
Ideal for temporary construction requirements.
Ensures fast construction easiness.
Portable and can be rebuilt several times elsewhere.
Minimum 10 years lifespan.
The materials used are suitable for use in extreme weather conditions.
Excellent quality thermal structure and acoustic integrity ensures high standards